Non-Giving-Up School Guy


How I Meat Your Mother

Obvious joke time:

"How I Wet Your Mother"

@avclub-a79f8d92d5ec0c5f1434fca5ee0af8bf:disqus : part of me hesitates to reveal too much about my real life, but: Math.

Swedish. Sweedish. SWEEEEEDISH.

@avclub-a79f8d92d5ec0c5f1434fca5ee0af8bf:disqus — Small world!

"in jovially jokes"? I think you accidentally out a word there.

I teach at a college in a blue state in the Mid-Atlantic, and we have a raving religious guy who comes and yells on our campus.

Uh, huh huh huh, huh huh, huh huh huh. You like them.

Wait… there's a WESTERN Massachusetts?!

And now it's time for the highbrow British sitcom, "I Cahn't Get Me Brar On!"

…every time he emits a semen spillberg?

Huh huh, you said "wife".

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten ShamWow…"

I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


I thought Hitchens was dead wrong about women not being funny. But that doesn't necessarily mean "misogynist" was the best word for him. He may have been an insensitive, insulting clod, and he may even have been guilty of ignoring or dismissing women's opinions, but I don't think he hated women, and I think he didn't

I was just trying to make a surreal joke. I actually don't believe in God.

You spelled "wins" incorrectly.