
Do watch it. Not as wonderful as the books but Isaacs is a great Jackson Brodie.

Modesto and Fresno have always been easy targets. This New Jerseyian wants equal time for Camden and Trenton! They deserve their moment.

"Blackhat" was already released? Whoops, forgot about it… like everyone else.

It wasn't good.

At least this episode didn't end with us staring at each other while asking "what the hell" at the same time. Instead we cheered She Who Could Not Act's demise and wondered if there will be a season three. Sad thing is if there's not, I won't much care.

I thought the same thing. There was something very "oh well, if we're not picked up no matter" about the final scene.

This season feels like "here, look how wonderful this is, now we're going to take it away from you." I want to punch someone even while begging them to please give us more… sob…