
Also missing: "Teachers", off Daft Punk's Homework, which is 99% band names (the remaining 1% being "… is in the house, yeah!"). It was also covered by Soulwax/2manyDJs, with different band names listed, on "Night Version".

Re: Willow and Xander's special ambiguous code: I can't see that scene without thinking about Ace's recap on TWOP from way back when, which guessed the code to be… "I M FCKED".

I saw this last week…
…For the first time, and while I found it incredibly boring, pacing- and dialogue- wise (especially the cavemen parts, where the same obvious stuff was repeated over, and over…), I did like what we saw of the main four characters. I'm not sure I'll have the patience to go through all of the

You're gonna go with "It's never been easier to retain water!" as your tag line? Really?
Isn't that a medical condition?

Well Fillion had a pretty big Firefly shout out in this week's Castle, stopping juuust short of looking in the camera and shouting "Firefly!" with a wink and a thumbs-up.

Goddammit! For the first time in my life, I see a character with my name (quite rare, even in french), but of course he's a giant douchebag. Merde!