
I absolutely hated the 4th "season". If it's more George Sr. wandering around a desert for 35 minutes, count me out.

Cranston does not play Walter White "one note".

The show just hasn't been the same for me since the earlier days. Breaking Bad cannot come soon enough.

He's missing that explosive interview (Today show w/ Cruise/couch jump). If his NY magazine interview had video, I'm sure it would have been that.

Disagree. Six Degrees of Separation, Pursuit of Happyness, Hancock, and Hitch (for a rom. comedy) are all pretty good.

Will Smith is slowly turning into Tom Cruise.

The Mole is the greatest reality TV show ever made, along with Survivor and Big Brother.

Thank you! He sucks.

Life of Pi is the only movie worth 3-D.

Just came back.. disappointed. It was at best a B-. Pixar is on a bit of a dry run.

It needs to be known forever that Drake is Jimmy.

Well this is embarrassing.

Goldmember is awesome. It's the first Austin Powers movie I saw, and has the greatest comedic movie intro ever. I love that movie.

The album is basically a mix of 808s and Heartbreak + Watch the Throne.

The Gene Wilder version is the only one I'll watch. Great songs, amazingly creepy yet fascinating Wonka, and a still awe inspiring factory.

I hope Emma Watson's "American" accent is better than the one she did for Perks.

Haven't really heard about the 30 Rock comparison. The only similarity might be that they both have a ton of jokes you may miss on first viewing, and Alec Baldwin is simply perfect in the role of Jack. But overall, AD is leaps and bounds better and more dense.

That's the point. Give her an episode and that's it. She was annoying.

Just saw this movie a second time… and dare I say it is even MORE hilarious knowing the structure of the story line. The early parts of the movie (Jonah, James, Danny) have a lot more foreshadowing than I realized the first time.

"DeBrie Bardeaux—who’s played perfectly by oddball stand-up comic Maria Bamford" —
Disagree completely. DeBrie was a terribly one note character.