
Respectfully disagree…with the hate
I think this album is quite the accomplishment, it's only mistake is NOT coming out at the beginning of summer as it would have been the perfect soundtrack. Ronson, love him or hate him—and I'm not sure why people are so focused on his personality—is a great talent. He gets the

Maybe it's just me…
but Weezer is a singles band, not an album band. Their last album had two or three great singles, sucky album. Same with the Red album. The only exception, to me, is the Green album which is good all the way through. But even the Blue album does little for me. I would rather see a greatest hits

Good return to form
I too like these guys. While I don't always agree, I like their lack of arrogance. I've also been enjoying some of the "extras" they add to their website, like taking fan questions from e-mail and Twitter and recording special segments exclusively. And if you miss the show, they divide up the