Just Die Already

The criticism of Elite Squad makes no sense; José Padilha isso very much a center-left man, as seen in, well, literally every other movie he made and the numerous interviews and articles he's written in Brazil. The candidate he campaigned for in Rio mayor election last year is a Maduro supporter, for crying out loud.

Marvel is publishing TOO MANY GODDAMNED BOOKS! Something like this was inevitable. Black Panther is not Spider-Man or Batman, he can't afford 300 spin-offs.

Luiz Inácio Adams wasn't the one investigating the politicians (his closest equivalent would probably be McGahn)- the responsible is Rodrigo Janot, who has a fixed term of two years, although should be said she reappointed him in 2015 despite some opposition in Congress.

I'm from Brazil; trust me when I say things can get much worse for you guys. MUCH WORSE.

Silent War is a sequel to Son of M, actually. SHIELD gets control of the Terrigen Mists, things don't go well for anyone. It's pretty good, actually.

A- She didn't lose the election to Montez;
B- Montez ISN'T a Latina at all.

Son of M (which, granted, is more focused on Quicksilver) and Silent War are two very good Inhuman stories too.

Please, let it be Paul Ryan! PLEAAAAAAAAASE!

She won't leave him necessarily.

I'm SHOCKED that two historical characters in a Hollywood movie will be played by very hot actresses decades younger than they were when the main events of the story happened. SHOCKED, i'll tell ya! SHOCKED!

"Was she cast based purely on looks?"

I came for Mary Elizabeth Winstead myself (not that I don't enjoy Carrie Coon and McGregor, of course).

Because DIVERSITY! And the very expensive sets.

Takeaway from this review: we should only applaud movies and TV shows
about successful shitty dudes (Social Network, Steve Jobs, Wolf of Wall
Street, The Founder, etc. etc. etc.) WHEN THEY ARE GOOD.

The ultimate "they gotta play sisters" combo is Michelle Williams, Carey Mulligan and Adelaide Clemens.

We don't know how much of a surprise was her victory, and it's quite possible they thought her anti-war, anti-establishment message was purely for votes (wouldn't be the first time).

It obviously isn't a perfect comparison, but then again the US isn't a perfect match to Venezuela.

She was despised not only because she was a woman, but because she was a dove, anti-war, mistrusts the intelligence apparatus, etc.

The reviewer let his political views as well as his views of what he wants the show to be to cloud his judgment.

Was being beheaded by a spoiled-brat psychopath in front of his daughters a fitting end for Ned Stark?