
dear @avclub-8f09b270dacd2e783d0c25f669670902:disqus ,

dear @avclub-8f09b270dacd2e783d0c25f669670902:disqus ,

It's true, but the strict Japanese sense of stoic properness prevents us from talking further about it.

It's true, but the strict Japanese sense of stoic properness prevents us from talking further about it.

I recall that event clearly, as well.  I remember TNG being the Grand Excellence, and DS9 being widely scorned and turned off in its initial run.

I recall that event clearly, as well.  I remember TNG being the Grand Excellence, and DS9 being widely scorned and turned off in its initial run.

As I recall, they were in the midst of some sort of research project testing the reactor SCRAM and cooling systems.  This test, quite obviously, did not go precisely as planned.  It's often contrasted with the Windscale Fire or 3 Mile Island (or, indeed, Fukushima) in that the reactor controllers at Chernobyl ought to

As I recall, they were in the midst of some sort of research project testing the reactor SCRAM and cooling systems.  This test, quite obviously, did not go precisely as planned.  It's often contrasted with the Windscale Fire or 3 Mile Island (or, indeed, Fukushima) in that the reactor controllers at Chernobyl ought to

yeah, it is — the helmet from his own personal movie was better.

yeah, it is — the helmet from his own personal movie was better.

I'm confused, what is this "indonesia" place you speak of?

I'm in houston too, and as I look out the window I don't see either of you standing around drinking St. Arnold's in large hats talking loudly about the rodeo.

it was paving a 4-lane highway at the rate of a mile a minute!

What's the Romulan Empire's position on this, Ambassador?

So am I, though I have heard that the CBS library is also available from other sources … I think I even read that on the newswire at some point

It's true, The Cutting Edge is an evil film in many, many ways.  Luckily, the cable switched from regular to "digital" which seems to mean "unwatchable on even a modern television without a box."  Since I have no box, I will be spared The Cutting Edge …. this time …

"THAT was NOT in the REPORT!"

Regarding the photo: big-ish external battery pack not pictured?  Or is there a 5th-element style silly hat with solar panels that isn't pictured?

yes, yes they will, thank you for asking.