
I believe this joke also got played in "the 10th kingdom" — I think the protagonist wished for cash and got it, and after that [spoiler?] got a SWAT team looking for a bankrobber…

I concur.  They're awful.

The 1-yen coin is probably the most unsatisfying coin ever manufactured.  It's aluminum and a bag full of them weighs about the same as an equal volume of styrofoam peanuts.  It's good they can be exchanged for jelly beans.

A+ for the byline, AVC.  Good to see that all newswires are correctly attributed.

I approve the above message.

I watched DS9 when it aired for only the first season, maybe a bit into the second.  The only episodes that caught in my memory at all were the Q appearance, which struck me as an unmitigated success, and another that [possible spoiler?] involved a tiny ship with solar sails.

I concur.

If "pigs in space" becomes an MMORPG, then I demand that the yupyupyup martians be the overarching evil overlords.

Emperor: Mobilize 50 legions of sardukaur to Well Forks, Washington, Immediately.
Fenrig: 50 Legions .. that's our entire reserve as well!
Emperor: Yes, what we are undertaking here is a pogrom, the systematic destruction of all sparkles in Well Forks, Washington.

I don't understand?

Yup, it was in my middle school english book, too.  We played it out in class and then watched the episode on televisual picture boxes.  I seem to recall we watched another twilight zone that day two, but it's been totally subsumed by the monsters being due.

I concur.

someone forgot to pet their creepy cat-in-an-aquarium today …

yup.  Utterly bizarre.

top-notch writing, sir O'Neal.

peter gunn?

are you suggesting that only watching cartoons is somehow unreasonable?

you can manipulate the game settings even if you are killed, though you might get booted if you get disconnected.  That said, the settings themselves are spread out over the battlelog website and the game itself, with no central place to see them laid out intelligently (rather than in a facebook-style labyrinth of

Yup, it is.  The voicechat it non-existant as far as I can tell.  Also, the browser-driven game interface is remarkably strange.  Origin/EA/Dice are doing away with such affectations as "main menus", being as they are a relic from another, simpler time

(sort of) Controversial Statement: Fox News is the TASS of America.