D.N. Nation

Deerhoof- Offend Maggie
Trippy electronics and ProTools wizardry of Friend Opportunity gives way to…a simple(ish, for them) rock album.

Easy answer would be that it won't keep from turning into any other reality show. Cycle of life.

American Beauty
Woof, is that movie ever lousy.

Dale next week
I see his inner douche has done nothing but marinate since Season 4.

How are things
…on the First Coast?


Ahh, the Dove Foundation.

The twist in Orphan
is that the girl is actually…heh heh heh…is that she's actually…heh heh heh heh heh heh…you see, she's actually…heh heh BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The Royal Tenebaums was released in 2001; "Elliott Smith" was released in 1995. So you're golden.

Best part of the arcade game
Those little prick robots that cribbed Borg catchphrases. So satisfying to destroy.

Wendy's boneless wings

So last night I was at this party.
Wife and I got pretty loaded. She was better off than I was, so she decided to drive. And then…well, I'm here now. Just got out of this bed I've never slept in before. No one around except us.

Wasn't necessarily awful. Just derivative. And it certainly didn't do much to earn the gravity that the we're-setting-this-in-NEW-ORLEANS-AFTER-KATRINA hook demanded.

Really? There have been plenty of Fs here.

Here's the rule with Ebert:

For Us
It's really that or nothing, w/r/t Pete Yorn.

Will you record the fucking track?

Fire up the minivans, everyone!
It's the new Wilco album!

Score one for American pop culture
We've never had an animated frog thingy singing "Axel F" reach #1.