
I've not had a particularly gritty, seamy life but I've known some serious dirtbags in my time, maybe not "gangsters" but still pretty shady people and you could run into a couple of guys who tried to come off as erudite and polished but the façade was thin and showed through.

This place is going to be renamed the Flash Point and dubbed the Number One Unofficial Official Fan Site for The Flash.
Yet Good Job, Internet will continue to be updated here.

Where is the CEO of Tits on the HBO organizational chart? Especially in relation to the CEO of Monstrously Self-centered Female Characters Who Everyone Inexplicably Adores and the CEO of Troubled Home Lives for "Protagonists"

I can't help but think of this, from this 1991 issue of the twice-yearly MST3K newsletter - TV Frank's account of his meeting with the two Coreys at the time.

For the next update, the Flash will now sometimes sport a kicky beret.

:hack and slash up members of the Miami Ninja:

Forget Richie Rich, there may be problems with a kid who drinks CASH-parilla through a golden straw, but what is the deal with all of his little pals with he alliterative names? Especially Jackie Jokers, the ten-year old stand up comic, who routinely goes around in either a tux or a blazer-and-turtleneck combo and

"I have a Death of Superman comic still in the black bag, how much that worth?" More than a few comic shop employees have heard that several times. I say this as someone who worked at a comic shop for a season.
Every so often, one of these fools threatens to go to the Better Business Bureau, it's always the clown who

"first-year philosophy major who thinks Tyler Durden is a role model" I think fits for the character, a hoodlum who makes attempts at erudite street-smart wisdom.

The Sharknado phenomenon reeks of that sort of contrived striving for "cult movie" status - which isn't something that can be forced, a cult movie becomes a cult via a more organic process, people just start watching and talking about how weird or offbeat or etc. a movie is and it gains a reputation.
Otherwise you

Mind you, I don't hate it, I just don't think it's very good. You can think something isn't very good without feeling seething rage at it.
I'm just not sure it's a great comic to give to someone new to the sub-genre, quite possibly the very opposite of what you should give to a novice reader. There's just a tad or so

I would not recommend Kingdom Come; partly because you'd have to be immersed in the DC lore to get some of it, and partly because it's lame and overblown and DC learned all of the wrong lessons they could have from it.

From what I've overheard over the years, the Number One Comic Book Shop Employment rule really is: Every easily angered dope owns "the original Spider-man/Superman/etc." and will get pissy when a comic book shop employee points out they are wrong.
Like the fellow in one anecdote that was related to me, who threw his

Reminds me of the story I heard from a comic shop employee, about how one day someone called the store he worked at to let the people there know his "really valuable comic collection" had been stolen. Which does happen, you know, collectables do get stolen sometimes and often people want to get the word out to the

My experience with SA speculative and fantastical fiction is limited recently to Lauren Beukes' post-cyberpunk novel Moxyland, set in a near future Cape Town, and Zoo City, a novel with fantasy elements set in an alternate Johannesburg. (Her novel "The Shining Girls" took place in Chicago).
I heard interesting things

I love his catchphrase "Blaz-orga!" I wear an official t-shirt with said catchphrase across the front in green. Surely it's merely a coincidence that I break out in a rash every time I wear the shirt and green dye runs from the lettering and burns when it touches my skin.

This is a mini-series, I believe, so perhaps we'll have intriguing individual cases for each episode and no time to delve into overly long conspiracy myth-arcs that will run in circles until they implode.

"What the h-e-double hockey sticks did you just say about me, you bloody tarbanac? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Canadian national hockey team, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret games against the Boston Bruins, and I have over 300 confirmed pucks in the net. I am trained in Quebecois

I've read a couple of the non-fiction books dealing with the Hugh Glass story; there is some question as to the truth of the rumors of his having, at one point, been a sailor who was captured by the notorious French-American pirate Jean Lafitte and impressed into service in his fleet.

I think it's important to remember, the novel did have a gang bang in the sewers between the kids back in the 1950s, the girl's idea of course. Having a little orgy in the sewers will help the boys get over their rising panic at getting lost in the sewer system on their way to confront the titular IT. My reaction to