"critics reading way too much in to something"
in an episode of True Detective? Surely you jest.
"critics reading way too much in to something"
in an episode of True Detective? Surely you jest.
I think Frank's getting fleshed out, getting more to his character than "Vince Vaughn being a slick guy"
I think male shame is one of the big themes this season; you have Ray's feelings surrounding his impotence as compared to the fertility of his wife's rapist, looking back at him from the eyes of a son who both is and isn't his, you have the offhand comment from the detective at Caspare's sex paraphernalia-filled house…
Fortunately, today's Communists are easier to detect; Skrillex haircuts, dogecoin T-shirts, seething hatred of all corporations except Apple (makers of the People's Computer). Impotent demands for vague violence against "the capitalists" and other options like sudden, out-of-nowhere Holodomor denialist rants also…
Time travel is possible but the reptoids hold the key. What is the key, sheeple? HOLLOW EARTH, of course! Hollow earth and purestrain gold.
A Grateful Dead newswire item? Time to post a link to this MST3K bit then. Prepare to freak freely, now: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
One of my favorite riffs was during a scene with the band, Thor singing about how:
You give me something to eeeeeeeeat
ooooooh, and then you take me to bed
BILL CORBETT: He's got 'rocking' confused with 'having the flu'.
Are we sure this isn't an elaborate parody of the sort of film some vapid, self-absorbed Manhattanite would make? No, it's real?
Um, carry on then.
Just reading that, what's boiling in my mind right now isn't hate so much as an intense feeling of "eh".
The best food is prepared simply from quality ingredients. The sort of obnoxious foodie-ism being is talked about here is not even about "enjoying" food but mostly seeking out novelty for it's own sake, with a bit of elitism. "Heh, those sheeple can stick with their prole-chow, I will enjoy this ridiculously…
Oh, boy did I not care for that movie - McCarthy proved he deserved all the crap B.R. Myers gave him in "A Reader's Manifesto" and then some.
Something something, joke comparing this to the travelling King Tut exhibit, complete with a mummy (Keith Richards)
I was on some other forum some years ago when another poster related how he along with some of his friends went to a showing of House of Wax that came with survey cards for the audience after the movie with the usual questions about what parts did you like, etc. and wasn't surprised to see he wasn't the only one among…
"Rock, ya can't box that alien in outer space! He's got like, six limbs tipped with giant claws! He'll year ya apart! Plus you're not even trained in how to spacewalk…in a spacesuit!"
"I gotta fight this alien guy! Y'know, I just gotta, because mrmmble mmmblrlam mimimbimmman"
Rocky VII: The Wrath of X'laraaka
The problem is there's been about a jillion attempts by people to "expand" upon the Candle Cove story in various hamfisted, ridiculous and nonsensical ways. It's like, some people need an overly elaborate backstory for everything and don't understand that leaving things unsaid or unseen can be more effective.
Should they go through with this - the sequel was even more obnoxiously bland than the first, with the likes of Pine and Quinto getting outacted by Cumberbatch, who even in a role ill thought out by the writers like that proved he had more actorly charisma in his index fingernail than Pine.
I never found her humorous at all - her act, to me, in my opinion, etc. mostly comes off as crass and mildly annoying.
Oi, watch it SNL. Swear on me mum, I'll bash yer fookin' skull in mate. Gonna give you steak'ums roight now. I'll put your fookin' mouth on the curb.
The Incredibly Strange Misfits Who Stopped Being Shiftless Rogues and Became Mixed Up Guardians of the Galaxy.
Please, wasteful and inept villainy is one of the hallmarks of Gotham's antagonists. Not to mention impracticality.