
Other Morricone soundtracks I recommend:

I appreciate the example of Morricone's soundtrack chosen for this article was not one of the usually referred to pieces…"L'Arena" from The Mercenary is effective not just as a piece of music but for the scene it accompanies, the titular mercenary (Franco Nero) forcing a duel between fugitive rebel Tony Musante and

Is she strong?
Listen bub,
she tends to tire easily
and retires for the night usually around 7pm

Iron Man, mate, I'll bash your fookin 'ead in, swear on me mum.

Jupiter Ascending was a total shitshow. The lead is maybe the worst Hollywood leading lady they could have chosen.

While I wouldn't go so far as to say Speed Racer supporters are stupid…one thing that struck me back when that movie was in theaters was the reaction from some of it's fans - apparently any negative reviews or criticism from any source of the film, no matter how dry or mild or bland, was just being meanly negative for

The overdone tongue-in-cheek wink-wink on-purpose terribleness of this franchise is part of what I find repulsive about it - the other factor is that this is the ultimate in pandering attempts at artificially creating a prefab cult film phenomenon - when a movie truly becomes a "cult" hit it's an organic process,

To quote something someone posted somewhere on the internet:

"Jaleel? There is no Jaleel. Only Steve. It's…always been Steve."

"Boy, Scully, you've really Britta'ed up this investigation."
"I…don't know where that came from."

Another favorite moment from Skydivers, because it's kind of icky in what it suggests (putting it mildly)

I liked how the character of Suzy is supposed to be some sort of sultry temptress who can drive men to murder, when, as Mike puts it with one riff:

Drink Night Train
Go to the basketball game
Throw up under the bleachers

I made some coffee.
CROW: Coffee? Wow, that's better than sex!

It won't be complete until Andrew O'Hehir comes over to review films for the AV Club, then we can learn which movies about famous racehorses are secretly fascist propaganda via reviews written with a tone of "hysterical pants-wetting".

Oddjob was one of the villians, except now he dressed like he was part of Run DMC's entourage.

Jason Statham as Paul Blart in Paul Blart 3: The Blartsporter.
:is surrounded by henchmen, jumps off of Segway and starts swinging it around as a melee weapon, after finishing them off adjusts uniform necktie and jumps back on Segway towards food court:

I just kept up with what happened in the Dark Tower books out of morbid curiosity. I was retaining a sort of adolescent fondness for King's early books, but I haven't read anything I've liked by him in an age anymore, and even his short stories, which used to be consistently pretty good, got increasingly tiresome.

Rabin will go and run defense for the Da Juggalo Family
"Guys, I know people like to mock the fans of ICP but here at the Gathering- :is suddenly pelted with several beer bottles: "