Brock Landers

The last time KSDK did this, it was to show some bullshit Cardinals season retrospective that should've been reserved for a Sunday night sports wrap-up segment which is coincidentally where they shove the Community episode. Now I have to watch some Christmas light engineer ramble on about the type of light system they

It is my theory that Keaton's sidekick Gillette in Sherlock Jr. is the inspiration for Gene Parmesan in Arrested Development.

I agree. I saw it in theaters and thought it was worthy by all means. I rewatched it on cable within that last few months and couldn't stop thinking how brilliant it was. Was that the four vodka tonics I had while watching it talking? Perhaps. But still, I second.

Processed chicken?
I could go for some taffy anaconda? I can already taste the Jon Voight on my lips, en route to exit my anus with a wink.

William Van Landingham??
The Third, my dear boy!

Where did…
that earring come from?