
Woah.  All kinds of feelings for Lecy Goranson just came back.

Woah.  All kinds of feelings for Lecy Goranson just came back.

Meanwhile, right next to Fresh Prince, Full House gathers dust because Bob Saget looks "too Jew-y".

Meanwhile, right next to Fresh Prince, Full House gathers dust because Bob Saget looks "too Jew-y".

Didn't Abby record vocals for Kaldrick King's cover of "Hard Times" last season?  Shouldn't she be getting money and accolades now that it's out?

Didn't Abby record vocals for Kaldrick King's cover of "Hard Times" last season?  Shouldn't she be getting money and accolades now that it's out?

What's that saying?  Famous people die in tens?

What's that saying?  Famous people die in tens?

Look at that picture.  Bette Davis doesn't approve.

Look at that picture.  Bette Davis doesn't approve.

Hopefully, they don't miss out on the chance to have him team up with Badger to take down the USSR.

Hopefully, they don't miss out on the chance to have him team up with Badger to take down the USSR.

You need tabloids to tell you he's on his way out?

You need tabloids to tell you he's on his way out?

Can the guy who made the interactive version of Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne make an interactive version of this?

Can the guy who made the interactive version of Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne make an interactive version of this?

Cornel West is the fucking man.

Cornel West is the fucking man.

Hey guys.  I actually don't think the Friday thing is that big a deal for Community (ducks swinging axe of internet consensus).  If they get on Fridays what they've gotten on Thursdays, I think NBC would be very happy and might renew it further.  It might even gain back audience it lost to BBT.

They'll do anything to ignore the fact that a radical Christian Muslim Kenyan with his Chicago style politics got bin Laden.