42 Roads

You only think Kristina is being unreasonable because you got to see the exchange between Adam and Rachel. She didn't - all she knows is, some hot girl at the office has the hots for her husband, is willing to act on it… and he's not firing her. I'd be pretty pissed off too.

I totally agree as well. Kristina is a perfectly reasonable, if slightly tense, character. She has a child with chronic high needs, two other kids, one of whom is a baby, and a husband who doesn't think twice about gallivanting off in the middle of the night to have drinks with his brother. Even setting the kiss

The hubs and I have had a world setting going for the last 4-5 years. So
fun to play in a place that gets more and more populated and developed.
The geopolitics are starting to rival GRR Martin, if I dare say so

Just played over Skype last night with the hubs and his best friend! My half-giant druid/ranger maraudered through the mountains.

dude, let's not start the ignorance. i co-slept with my kids. both still alive and well. and guess what? i didn't lose nearly as much sleep and my babies got way more boob.

Picking Nits