I got caught out recently by some new shitty Australian band called Pond, thinking they were the 90's American Pond - bah…
I got caught out recently by some new shitty Australian band called Pond, thinking they were the 90's American Pond - bah…
nope - nothing remotely approaching the genius of GBV here - move along…
Blazing Saddles.
are they the ones that skimp on the pickles?
if only the pilot had been the final episode.
Trust me - I know what I'm doing…
I love this show - even if it somehow degenerated to the point where all it consisted of was these characters watching paint dry I would still watch it - because it would still be funny.
plus the killer 'Deaf Ears/Why Did You Land/June Salutes You' trio of b-sides on the 'Official Ironmen Rally Song' single - fuckin' genius…
I don't care how you cook it, just make sure you get some peri-peri sauce on that motherfucker.
She would make a fine brunette.
agreed - couldn't have put it better myself.
and Bette Midler, obviously…
Joe Cocker's version is terrible.
I like a little feather in my nuggets…
liked for saying 'Crimony'
Amy Poehler's response to everything is awesome so why should this be any different?
the first album I bought (on cassette) that I still listen to is 'Born In The USA', although these days I'm more likely to cue up 'Downbound Train' and 'Bobby Jean' as opposed to the title track and 'Dancing In The Dark' which first attracted my 10-year-old-self to the album.
I realise it has been noted several times previously but for the record Donna is ab-so-lute-ly killing it this season…
how does one go about getting oneself in the middle of a (Jerry-less) Gergich 'hug machine'?
Peter North filled it in half an hour.