
Thanks! (My 1234'th comment!)

RE: Assassin's Creed
Should I play the first to enjoy the second or can I skip it and go straight to the new game?

It was so great in 3D. And I hate 3D. I think its a stupid, stupid gimmick. But Coraline crawling through long, colorful tunnels was incredible to see.

Thats my only bone to pick Matt — I think Up should have been higher. At least in the top 7

I saw this in the theater with my grandma, and I probably couldn't be much older than 10. Without the filter of judgment and maturity today, I remember enjoying it at the time and never thinking about it again.

Frankly, I'm shocked by these reactions, but don't really understand why. You're all entitled to your own opinions and I'm not criticizing nor claiming I have better taste.

How is there no character development? Sure, Plainview's development is strictly linear— one development leads to another logical development— but I would argue he's a very complex man by the end of the film.

John Goodman seems to be everywhere. I love the guy but he was in Gigantic, possibly the biggest quirk clusterfuck ever committed to celluloid, which ended to an Animal Collective song and made absolutely no fucking sense on any logical level. I'm going to go barf now.

Yeah, take your big breasted avatar and go elsewhere.

I can't question James Cameron. He is bigger than us all.

Big defender of Signs and Unbreakable. I think Unbreakable is stellar.


The 3 Ninjas series was hilarious. Thanks for the mention, CW. Brought back lots of fun VHS childhood memories.

Something about this EP feels different.
Nothing really better, nothing really worse. The opening track really threw me for a loop; seemed like some sort of cinematic score from the 80's (Tangerine Dream maybe? The Animal Collective of their times—I can hear the shrieks of horror from AVC faithful but I'll stand by it)

Exactly, and you could argue that their lead singer is turning out to be a showman in the ilk of Freddie Mercury. I think they're great.

Same here, Gosling was good in that but the source material just screams "Check this movie out because there's gonna be some hardcore acting going on here." Whereas some of the roles that ended up in this list are pretty organic.

WH definitely has his "interview answers" rehearsed well…
I'm sure this comes up quite a bit.

WH definitely has his "interview answers" rehearsed well…
I'm sure this comes up quite a bit.

WH definitely has his "interview answers" rehearsed well…
I'm sure this comes up quite a bit.

The music snob backlash will begin in 3…2…1
RATS! 8 hours too late.