Ken Cosgroves Haircut

In other news: this video is a year old.

I saw Anna Chlumsky's name in the opening credits as well and looked out for her in this episode, but it looks like she didn't actually appear. According to IMDB, Carolyn Baeumler played Tracy the secretary.

Another vote of support for A Little Touch Of…, which is a classic. Big fan of "What'll I Do," in particular. Excellent phrasing on that one. Agree that his best singing was probably on this album.

Ben Folds Five
It would have been nice if "Reinhold…" wasn't their last album together. I think they could've continued maturing well together as a group. I think they had more to say. Ben Folds maturing alone (his solo stuff) is okay, but not as good as the stuff he did with the Five.

I actually remember getting to the point in the original GoldenEye when I had memorized the sequence of spawn points in the Temple. If we were playing License to Kill (one shot death), I'd kill someone and just run to the next spawn and kill them again. No chance. Good times.

Poker Face
The "stripped down" version of Poker Face wasn't created specifically for Glee. Lady Gaga performs it that way herself occasionally. I think they used the exact arrangement that she did, to be honest and maybe improvised a few of the vocal harmonies:

I may need to try American Pastoral again. I read about 50 pages and was so bored and confused that I gave up.