you need to register that as your AVC alter ego, amigo.
That's too bad. Sounds like a real blown opportunity. I'm a lefty with a weakness for well-executed, smart, mean, highly violent action movies - the problem is that sometimes it seems like there's about ten of them, and they were all made some years ago. Ah, well. I guess I still haven't given the new Elite Squad a…
Andre's verse needs to get rescued from this fairly annoying track. Somebody remix/airlift that thing right outta here…
just for shits and giggles, here's the goin-into-town scene
Guy co-wrote and directed Wet Hot American Summer, so yes, I will be seeing this.
I'm glad that the age-ometer takes me at my word that I'm 9,999 years old.
And then Hall & Oats Russia runs out of weed and gets bored with Fire and Ice and puts on an episode of Archer. Or maybe that's just me.
Let's just say there was some major Gingrich on my Ron Paul.
I've experienced backdooring. It was… wonky.
Hey dudes, you know what totally IS streaming tho? Fire and Ice! No shit, man! Kevin's gonna bring over some soda and we can watch it on my mom's TV, its gonna be awesome
Finally, the film adaptation of O'Reilly's new book. Now 23% more historically accurate.
SNL already covered a couple shows I want to watch for reals, foremost among them being Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Laughs
I wasn't really Lich King his appearance.
I'm glad we're all on the same page on this, because yeah, it's basically the same depiction that the Onion has, and in all cases Wildcard Uncle Biden is always comedy gold.
I'm gonna see this in theaters. There will be like four other people in the theater. I will bring a bunch of beer. A good time will be had.
Some people disagree without. Can you imagine such an outrage?
The Obama show skit wasn't that great, but the into had me dying.
Did anybody else have their comedy-boner killed by the sudden appearance of Bill OReilly? The sight of that dude sent me from good goofy mood into Hey Screw That Guy mode. This was a good one tho, the episode did earn the high grade.