Just a hiccup. Everybody stay cool.
Altho I'd still recommend the first one. It's a great experience that I've returned to over playing newer games, more than once.
Glad to hear they're still balancing the sweetness and the ultraviolence.
this is a great batch of games. credit to the Gummi Bears metaphor for Burrito Bison Revenge - for ten minutes I was like 'empty calories my ass, this game is fun!' and two hours later I felt vaguely sad and nauseus
Famous, how are you?
Aww, I was all ready to continue to 'meh' every one of these new music posts, but this is actually pretty good. Not something I'd focus all my attention on, but something one might put on during a dark and snowy bike ride.
I can't believe somebody brought up a crush on the Goblin King from Labyrinth without mentioning the fact that David Bowie rocks his junk the fuck OUT in that movie. Seriously, dudes' package is like its own character.
Terrence Howard, awesome
This shit is disconcerting the shit out of me, yo! My concerts are all like WONKKKKK
FULL motherfucking THROTTLE
knock knock
I also ran across High School of the Dead on Netflix, which also occupies that similar gray space of pervy-but-not-porn-exactly anime. I just thought I was signing up for a zombie show and then… well… equal attention to T&A.
Pretty sure she gets capped. I don't want to objectify her - I'm just saying she has a rich inner life and a wonderful ass.
hey, that is fun. at least in a 1) bitchy gay voice and a 2) flirty gay voice.
This is great news. I felt like the first one was reaching for, but not quite grasping, greatness, and this is the sort of movie that is goofy enough to have plenty of room to retinker the formula in the sequel. I hope it turns out well.