dead greg

Agreed, and would add Gran Torino, which would probably be maudlin except there's that great central performance which made me wonder "Is this guy just going to get angrier and older forever? Wasn't he already an old crank in the Dirty Harry series?"

The "old guy" make up looked really terrible, even in tiny glimpses in the trailer. This was my only anxiety as to whether this movie was going to miss the mark, so…

It gets confusing talking about how you enjoy Cronenberg, but not Crash, but not that movie, the other movie with car crashes, but not that sort of car crashes, the forced metaphor for sexual impact, but yeah that other movie is also pretty terrible and pretentious, but ah fuck it

Shy Ronnie II is quite great. But maybe that's just the cathartic trainwreck resulting from my old timey gangster fetish and my Rihanna crush collapsing into one pop space.

wait I'm supposed to post the finished snark not the process, my bad

Hmmm… Billy Wilder.. anticlimax… something about faking an orgasm? or faking a shrug, perhaps..

So Ashtun Kutcher (sp) has eight million followers? Dear god, why?

cool beans.

cool beans?



I don't have anything to say. I just want an excuse to post the following for no reason.

skeet skeet , bang bang

Apologizing is for coward fucks

Yes. Exactly.



the longer one without the goddamned narration, whatever that's called.


The whole film has a sort of left-field quality. Right away it just tosses out a lot of safe decisions it could have made by leaving the farm (and any possibility of being much like the first film) and just keeps throwing crazy, dark shit and unrivaled animal-acting-hijinx until, yes, the climax in the ballroom, which