I think there's a story about the mime he learned a lot of his stage craft from. Something about the mime slitting his wrists and performing the next day (or that day) in bandages after catching Bowie cheating on him with a woman.
I think there's a story about the mime he learned a lot of his stage craft from. Something about the mime slitting his wrists and performing the next day (or that day) in bandages after catching Bowie cheating on him with a woman.
Pop music greatness cannot be logically argued about. It can only be felt.
I got into Bowie in HS just before the Let's Dance period. I remember listening to Station to Station and being transported into another realm.
I'll admit it. I'm still smitten, apparently, because I'll read an AV club article merely because…
"It's the best thing since…. that Picasso guy!" - while dissing sliced bread…
I was channel surfing and came upon this yesterday. I couldn't stop cracking up. :-)
Lloyd Bridges had some bitchin' eyebrows
I was pretty much waiting for that one :-)
There was one study in which they had people read and rate short stories with a twist. People actually enjoyed the stories more when they already knew the ending… Just putting it out there…
Is your middle name 'honey-baked?'
If you don't listen when you have time, such as in the car, you might not listen to new stuff at all, which would be a shame. I love to mix it up. I listen to new stuff from old artists (The Next Day) New stuff from somewhat more recent artists, The National and old classic stuff from the 70s 80s and 90s (and 2000s)…
I think 'Gateway' summarizes things you would take months or years to understand about the band if you listen to them and read about them from scattered sources and it interests you in actually listening to the music.
They're better than having someone pee on your rug.
Also, sorry for echoing your sentiments almost exactly "doesn't everyone hate that song?" It is the logical question to ask… That song is the soundtrack to a nightmarish post-apocalyptic dreamscape. Oh god, NO! Now it's in my head. Damn you, AV Club!
That song IS terrifying…
Doesn't everyone hate that song?
D'oh… the circular nature of the timeline certainly has me confused…
The smoking scene between Buster and Lucille was a masterpiece. I don't know why no one mentioned it. I think it was in these episodes. Poor Buster..
I'm not really a doctor.. but I am a real worm..
I was the oldest and my parents are both from Europe without any pop culture knowledge at all. I was basically "self taught" on pop culture, although I did have a friend in HS who introduced me to Bowie in the early '80's and I'll be forever grateful ;-)
A flaming Moe without fire or alcohol or cough syrup? That's pretty much not a Flaming Moe..