Strictly speaking thats not pe

@eponymous - You're forgetting that Starbuck was an angel, too… so the sky-high stack of improbabilities leading to Earth is actually part of the same problem. ("Rube Goldberg device" is exactly how to characterize it.)

"But angels *are* real!!"
Yeah, right… maybe if they have a boss named Charlie.

I know you'd like to believe that, but sadly for you my main squeeze is an honest-to-gawd Latin major (and a black belt); when I out-nerd him at splittin' grammatical hairs it gets him horned up like a mink on speed. Gay jock nerds ruuule! Stercus accidit, muthafucka!

At least I was right about Topher having himself backed up. For the win!

And he was so convincing in "Be Cool," too!

Really? *The* Michael Lembeck?
The same guy who played Mackenzie Phillips' beard on One Day at a Time?

Your Body Is A Number Pad
Obviously, I misheard the first time.

The defining characteristic of a show about a master of disguise is that the guest star being impersonated has to play two roles — the client, and Chance disguised as him. This means the star playing the "master of disguise" gets a lot of days off…

Haven't watched the pilot yet
…but I just have to know: Is he convincing disguised as Tricia Helfer?

"Pull a few punches"
'This season hasn't been as fun as the beginning of season two, but has moved forward the story in as big a way as they did near the end of season two (minus those three amazing words, 'I know kung-fu'), and still manages to pull a few punches along the way.'

Marry Fran Kranz. Boff Enver Gjokaj. Gut Tahmoh Penikett and climb inside for warmth.

Mellie's death had zero emotional impact on me. Mellie had *just* been re-imprinted on November from storage. Back at the L.A. dollhouse, Topher could imprint another Active body with the same "disk image" he used on November. What would Mellie have lost? At most, a few hours of memories. (However, Madeline, the

@i hate to be that guy — "the actress who plays Miracle Laurie"

Postcards… the dry hump of marketing strategies.

I dunno about where *you* work, but that's how I got my corner office!

The apostrophe that destroyed civilization
"In fact, given it's cavalier attitude towards narrative convenience, it's a film that favors distraction over discussion." That first "it's" should be "its". "It's" is a contraction of "it is"; the possessive ("belonging to it") is "its".

Bennett shouldn't be dead-dead
As Adelle points out (paraphrasing), "There's no way (Ambrose?) would have his consciousness in just one body."

We will meet Judith in the final episode…

Nice failed firstie

I accept your criticism as valid, and offer only the excuse that I'm not the only one with the same seleticvity of memory.