Strictly speaking thats not pe

"I'm a gay icon. I'll just say it."
Oh good. I was afraid I might be the only one.

I was not surprised when I came home from seeing Avatar and learned that there was ALREADY Sully/Tsu'tey slash fiction online.

Come on! Come on! Come and get it, baby! Come on! I don't got all day! Come on! Come on! Come on you bastard! Come on, you too! Oh, you want some of this? Queue you!

Banned in Uganda!
(African? Queen? It's topical, you troglodytes!!)

@fastandsloppy - Re: "for a cheap snow ball gag"

@HellToupee — I'm just the opposite. I bought his album (MP3 download from Amazon) just to reward him for pissing off the fundies (thereby demonstrating that, whatever his literal testicles may look like, figuratively he's got a pair of big brass ones)… but I can't stand to listen to it; that whole genre of music

D'oh! I shoulda tried IMDB before I remarked about Cudmore; looks like he's a werewolf in that movie version of the Vampire Diaries that's out now. Does he have any lines? Is he in fact any good?

@Jorge Von Salsa - You got a source for Grammer never playing Beast again? The only references I can find online sez "he would be more than happy to return to the role if another X-MEN film ended up on the boards. 'Well, I don't get mowed down and so we'll see,' says Grammer. 'It would be a matter of whether it was

Loving Randy Newman is a crime against nature. I turned against Monk as soon as they scrapped the show's original theme song for the second season. (And I pissed on the show's grave when they made fun of the fans' dislike for the new theme song in the Sarah Silverman episode.)

Jesus, you actually still *see* internet advertising? Get some kind of ad block plugin, you pathetic wretch. You're probably the kind of bent-over consumer sheep who lets Doubleclick fill his disk up with cookies.

Duh… Galena wasn't incarcerated because she was "undocumented." She was incarcerated because Echo made her an unwitting accomplice in shoplifting and then left her holding the bag. That's why I thought her gratitude to Echo and Paul at the end was a little unearned. "Yeah, thanks for getting me out of the jail you

Dubbing Penikett's voice over Tudyk tells me that Joss wasn't convinced that Tudyk's acting could convey the point that it was Ballard in there. (Tudyk is always great, but, as another commenter mentioned, even when he's many-faced Alpha, he's still always Tudyk.)

Correct use of quotes within quotes would be:

Once you know your show's not being renewed, you have a lot more creative freedom. ("What're ya gonna do… CANCEL US? Mwa ha ha ha…")