
Not since they predicted that Trump would become President.

I spent a year in North Carolina, and found the folks to be fairly lovely. (Although, I was based in Chapel Hill, which is not exactly representative of the rest of the state. I generally found the college students to be the worst, though.)

My dog is named Atticus, albeit named after the old Roman Titus Pomponius Atticus. (I had another dog named Cicero.) I did, however, dig the Mockingbird connection name. I've had a few friends ask about it, but I don't mind the changes to Atticus in this book.

It makes me feel young again to see Rabin on this site, mocking these sort of movies. It almost makes me remember all the monocles I've broken, in shock from one thing or another that rapscallion has written.

I actually used to take private lessons and his and his mom's house. Nothing creepy every happened to me (he liked girls, apparently, and didn't go crazy till his mom died.), but, uh, yeah. He was a little creepy, looking back.

Come to think of it, my old band teacher did look like old Jerry Seinfeld. There's no way you didn't go some school in old district 100.

You didn't happen to go to school in Berwyn, IL, did you? Because that also happened to my percussion/Band teacher.

To be fair, her father was adopted. She could be anything! I bet she's secretly a Mongolian!

Does it make you happy or sad to learn that her name is actually Italian?

I'm very excited! Some of her blog posts have been amazing reading. Happy Day! More Cameron Esposito! Hurrah!

The Labeouf has had enough! He is gone! Gone! The stage is empty, not even his shadow remains!

Yikes! That was toxic.

I guess that's why they had to keep the marriage secret? Because, wait. He is just trolling, isn't he?

These episodes are fine and all. But you have no idea how excited I am to see the review of the Pale Moonlight. I think the best episode of any Star Trek series, full stop.

Best of luck, Mr. Rabin.  I've read all of these, and enjoyed the journey greatly.  These are like a bookshelf companion to Roger Ebert's Great Movies Series.

This is greatest thing ever created by Western Civilization.  I rolled on the floor giggling the first time I saw this video.

totally worked for me.  I dug it, and laughed.  The ending wasn't great, but most of it I thought was pretty great.

Goodness.  Gracious.  Me.

That actually seemed like a reasonable jump.  The jack-ass who killed him would fit right in along side Homer's mob.

I'm so sorry for your loss.  This is a very beautiful, sweet, and sweet post and song.