Mantis Cube

Clearly you need to fill up 60 minutes of that cassette with your personal dolphin impressions.

Clearly you need to fill up 60 minutes of that cassette with your personal dolphin impressions.

That's crazy!  Was it an All-American Rejects song, you mean, or a song he wrote for something else?
Yeah, I still have lingering doubts that the song he wrote was mostly about his ex girlfriend but a little bit about me.  I try to push it aside.

That's crazy!  Was it an All-American Rejects song, you mean, or a song he wrote for something else?
Yeah, I still have lingering doubts that the song he wrote was mostly about his ex girlfriend but a little bit about me.  I try to push it aside.

@avclub-e38d7d01bb3addc2e58724fe04de73e8:disqus As someone who is always on the other side of the easel, I always wondered what that was like.  Personally if I was modeling I'd be curious to see if anyone got my likeness right, but unless our models were new they never particularly cared.

@avclub-e38d7d01bb3addc2e58724fe04de73e8:disqus As someone who is always on the other side of the easel, I always wondered what that was like.  Personally if I was modeling I'd be curious to see if anyone got my likeness right, but unless our models were new they never particularly cared.


Don't get me wrong, I listen to my fair share of depressing music too.  I mean, last winter Hospice was my go-to.  It doesn't get sadder than that.  But I think what really bothered me was the sense that they were trying to put a label on me or my feelings.  As much as I like Hospice, if a boy I liked gave me a few of

Don't get me wrong, I listen to my fair share of depressing music too.  I mean, last winter Hospice was my go-to.  It doesn't get sadder than that.  But I think what really bothered me was the sense that they were trying to put a label on me or my feelings.  As much as I like Hospice, if a boy I liked gave me a few of

It's all about where your relationship with her is.  I would play it safe if it's a new relationship or hasn't quite started yet.  I mean, it all depends on her and how she feels about sad or romantic songs, not to mention how she feels about you.  But I would recommend playing it safe because I feel like too many

It's all about where your relationship with her is.  I would play it safe if it's a new relationship or hasn't quite started yet.  I mean, it all depends on her and how she feels about sad or romantic songs, not to mention how she feels about you.  But I would recommend playing it safe because I feel like too many

You sound like a walking version of http://rookiemag.com/.  I say that as the highest compliment I could possibly give.

You sound like a walking version of http://rookiemag.com/.  I say that as the highest compliment I could possibly give.

I was going to say something about how that Spike costume must have been a panty-dropper, but if only 6 or 7 people knew who you were…

I was going to say something about how that Spike costume must have been a panty-dropper, but if only 6 or 7 people knew who you were…

@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus  Well then I guess you've just got to clear your schedule!

@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus  Well then I guess you've just got to clear your schedule!

Ooh, Abe Lincoln, unconventional but awesome!