Mantis Cube

Or, if you're already on medication and you're trying not to damage your stomach lining, I've heard Benedryl is pretty gentle and not going to fuck you up in the long term.

Yes.  Don't let Amelie's seal of approval confuse you, it's hilarious.

Yes.  Don't let Amelie's seal of approval confuse you, it's hilarious.

I loved skorts!  I could hang from the monkey bars in a dress and it didn't matter!

I loved skorts!  I could hang from the monkey bars in a dress and it didn't matter!

Maybe we won't publicly stone you if you go watch it right now.

Maybe we won't publicly stone you if you go watch it right now.

@Gjetostbuster:disqus  He probably has… movie stuff.  I'm giving him a flexible time frame like @Scrawler2:disqus  said.

@Gjetostbuster:disqus  He probably has… movie stuff.  I'm giving him a flexible time frame like @Scrawler2:disqus  said.

He's so damn likeable!  I can't find anyone who has anything bad to say.  Are we even on the AV Club today???

He's so damn likeable!  I can't find anyone who has anything bad to say.  Are we even on the AV Club today???

JGL, on the other hand, you can come and do whatever you want to my ass later this week.

JGL, on the other hand, you can come and do whatever you want to my ass later this week.

This review sure does spend a lot of time impressing on us what a fragile psyche the author has, only to say things that would break the heart of someone that fragile.

This review sure does spend a lot of time impressing on us what a fragile psyche the author has, only to say things that would break the heart of someone that fragile.

Their mother was in labor for YEARS!

Their mother was in labor for YEARS!

Woah, what a coincidence!  Are you me in an alternate universe?

Woah, what a coincidence!  Are you me in an alternate universe?

I shouldn't have read this comment!  I'm less than 100 pages from the end!  I've been devouring this last stretch though, so even if it turns out to be disappointing, there's something to be said for the journey…?