Mantis Cube

Or it could just be, y'know, a flashback.
Because that happens all the time on Breaking Bad.  But seriously?  Haunting him in a dream?  It better be a Christmas special where Walt is visited by three ghosts.

It's just not worth the drive if I'm not going to be piping my ears full of that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

It's just not worth the drive if I'm not going to be piping my ears full of that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

This is un-dawes-ceptable.

This is un-dawes-ceptable.

Guardian gayngel?  Minted and coined, that phrase is genius.

Guardian gayngel?  Minted and coined, that phrase is genius.

Yeah, I'm pretty excited in general.  Cartoon Network is pretty great about giving new shows a chance, unlike Nickelodeon.

Yeah, I'm pretty excited in general.  Cartoon Network is pretty great about giving new shows a chance, unlike Nickelodeon.

All three of those boot styles are making me swoon.  I'm partial to the 3 not-black styles of the first style and the first or third color option of the 3rd.

All three of those boot styles are making me swoon.  I'm partial to the 3 not-black styles of the first style and the first or third color option of the 3rd.

Aw shucks, you're makin me blush!

Aw shucks, you're makin me blush!

For a lot of people that's not going to be good at all.  I tried to do it in college (also for monetary reasons), but I have extremely low blood sugar and I was coming close to fainting several times a day.

For a lot of people that's not going to be good at all.  I tried to do it in college (also for monetary reasons), but I have extremely low blood sugar and I was coming close to fainting several times a day.

You made me realize I never looked at Fashion Week photos.
There goes the entire afternoon.  Not to mention after that getting sucked into checking street style blogs.  Damn it, I really need some Doc Martens.

You made me realize I never looked at Fashion Week photos.
There goes the entire afternoon.  Not to mention after that getting sucked into checking street style blogs.  Damn it, I really need some Doc Martens.

FFF THEY'RE GREENLIGHTING SOMETHING REBECCA SUGAR STARTED?  Be still my beating heart, she's one of my favorite artists.
I highly recommend her comic Pug Davis.  http://www.pugdavis.com/

FFF THEY'RE GREENLIGHTING SOMETHING REBECCA SUGAR STARTED?  Be still my beating heart, she's one of my favorite artists.
I highly recommend her comic Pug Davis.  http://www.pugdavis.com/

C'mon, the more fashion club the merrier!
My post is more "Fashion Club- the sad sack version."