Mantis Cube

I didn't realize until my drawer was counted down and I was 94 cents over, but that was an hour or two after he'd been there.  (I just realized my original comment made it sound like I was annoyed with him, not that I forgot to.) What exactly is the right thing in this situation?  Donate 94 cents to the local adult

Kymia's work was excellent.  Dark, weird, and beautiful.  I mean, she was obviously appreciated (since she won and all) but they were damn lucky to get someone like her.

Kymia's work was excellent.  Dark, weird, and beautiful.  I mean, she was obviously appreciated (since she won and all) but they were damn lucky to get someone like her.

Even when the ad is over, you're still left with his smug, chewing face in the banner ad.

Even when the ad is over, you're still left with his smug, chewing face in the banner ad.

Actually, on Monday I stole a fabric marker from Hobby Lobby.

Actually, on Monday I stole a fabric marker from Hobby Lobby.

You shouldn't need directions to the exit, they're shaped so you can only go through the aisles one direction at first!

You shouldn't need directions to the exit, they're shaped so you can only go through the aisles one direction at first!

Mambo #5 is the only song to my knowledge that mentions my name, which was really exciting to me as a 4th grader.

Mambo #5 is the only song to my knowledge that mentions my name, which was really exciting to me as a 4th grader.

Hershey Park makes it sound like you're going to be in a chocolate version of the Kraft Mac n Cheese commercials where everyone's floating down a river of chocolate in a tube though.  I can understand @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus 's disappointment.

Hershey Park makes it sound like you're going to be in a chocolate version of the Kraft Mac n Cheese commercials where everyone's floating down a river of chocolate in a tube though.  I can understand @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus 's disappointment.

I'm really looking forward to sandwich week.

I'm really looking forward to sandwich week.

Oh, finally a character with my name that's not Erika the gym leader from Pokemon!  That's awesome, there aren't many…

Oh, finally a character with my name that's not Erika the gym leader from Pokemon!  That's awesome, there aren't many…

"I find it interesting that Aronofsky wrote his first 2 films"
He wrote 3 that he also directed though… Requiem for a Dream, Pi, and The Fountain.  Not that it invalidates your opinion or anything.

"I find it interesting that Aronofsky wrote his first 2 films"
He wrote 3 that he also directed though… Requiem for a Dream, Pi, and The Fountain.  Not that it invalidates your opinion or anything.

I spent a lot of time reading Infinite Jest this week.  I'm on page 747 and it's great to be almost done.  The past hundred pages or so have been some of the best parts of the entire book.