Mantis Cube

Cutesy wootsy direwolvsies?

Direct your complaints about his appearance (or rather, don't, because the painting is amazing) to the fucking awesome illustrator Sam Weber who did the cover.

I can't wait until Game of Thrones has permeated the culture so thoroughly that when I search it on Deviantart, all I get are bad anime drawings.

His hair is so unkempt it looks like candy floss.  …Evil candy floss.

Tell me, is it like making love to a Hot Topic display?

All the Dan in Real Life sequel really needs to be marketable are some people that can morph into giant battle robots.  This shit writes itself.

I have nine 21 Questions requests.  When I get to 21, do I get to upgrade for an Answer?

I've never read Everyone Poops.  Does it live up to the title?  Did everyone poop?

"Nipple me this, Batman…"

Bane will have two nipples, but one isn't where you'd expect!

The only things I watched this week was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof because I'm CULTURED.

Oh good, my paintings of bleeding and chopped up bodies mean that I'm a normal, non-genocidal person!

therationalist- It was all a publicity stunt.  He's going to rise and claim to be Christ and become the best selling zombie artist of all time.

Incorrect.  He's the paragon of Art School Dreamboat™.

We've got similar podcast crushes, but I have trouble getting over Harris Wittels' name because it sounds like a moniker for an old Jewish man who does nothing but play chess in the park.

His only weakness was incorrect dryer settings.

Thanks for recommending Of Monsters and Men.  Loving them so far.

Please travel back in time to my childhood and do this for me.