Radio Shaq

And so what if it is? Different strokes for different folks, man.

Dipshit, I thought they were called "Damnocracy".

speaking of supergroups, anyone remember that show on VH1, Supergroup?

Just think, she could've been a VPILF.

Palin/Randy Savage '12!

@Dumbledore, every window in town is made of PlexiGlass.

Popeye tought me how to gladly enjoy things now, while paying for them at a later date.

Jorge, it's all a beautiful, beautiful metaphor. I think Isabella Rosselini is supposed to represent the analog signal, and YouTube is meant to mean the digital signal.

back in my naive college days, a friend of mine had the Meet your Meat video that PETA sends out, it turned me to a pussy vegetarian for almost 2 years.

It's actually Persian for "The Shinny Legged".

chromosome count?

wait, I forgot who my "amen, brother" was directed at. I'd like to politely retract it.

Amen brother.

just shut up.

god, such snark.

Mickey Rourke?

it's about to be dug in here.

Yeah, CraftyJack? "The gross majority"? You must have done some killer research to make such a moronic statement.

ZMF, I would've thought teaching. Maybe elementary school?

hey Mr. Finger-man