Radio Shaq

but instead of bread, his family like cigarettes.

Camel Turkish Gold's taste way too good. For a while I was smoking Marlboro Blend No. 27's, which were also deathly delicious.

I don't understand people continuing to watch a show, ANY show that they're "annoyed with since the first season".

is it the way that he fights every day?
no, it's probably the titties!

what do you think Gigantic Turkey Sub?

oh I get it. It's funny because it's not called 'Lonely Planet' at all!

"I can't believe Darth Vader is Luke's father!"

that's no sweater, Arsenio. Stephen is attempting to pull off the tricky "neon t-shirt over shirt & tie" routine. It's a religious thing. We wouldn't understand.

thanks folks, I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

sounds like there are
too many Kuzui's in the kitchen.

7…that sounds like it could be right

yep, all-out hole-stuffing.

Crystal Skull came out on my birthday last year… it was a bad birthday.

I always knew Trevor Linden was a clever 'nuck.

hey Wes, that's that Metallica song, right?

Rev., SoCo and Shasta actually sounds alright by me. The only catch is that it's got to be Shasta Root Beer…mm..the perfect amount of vanilla.

Riff, you're safe with either team…neither has caught anything in YEARS….get it? like how someone would catch a baseball, or crotch-rot?

my favorite part about this is that Little Mac not making weight is a legitimate criticizm. Don't worry about KING FUCKING HIPPO. What the hell IS that guy?

it's alright, Alexing… we already knew.

I love that this evolved into an NHL conversation.