Radio Shaq

Yummsh, Jack's smile reminded me of something a Star Wars character might do, and that's just fine.

the Island doesn't want him to decompose.

after Richard bonks Eloise on the head, he explains himself as "protecting out leader"

my dick is so big, it's got a cleft lip.

followed immediately by Richard Grieco

enough of that 'ole' shit, dorn.

Rev, you had far too much punctuation and capitalization. Better luck next time!

Joan Rivers reminds me of the Nazi who decomposes at the end of Last Crusades, mid-decompose.

Indian magic = tiger uppercut

so, the finale is on tonight before Lost?

well, Chubby…I puked. Hope you're pleased…

lots and LOTS of cheese.

fuckin' eh, motherfucker.

felix, you truly are the luckiest bastard around these parts, then.

felix, certainly you must've heard of Butterfingers before.

I consider myself to be many things. I can finally say that 'informed' is now one of them.

E-Ron, from what I'm told there were all sorts of odd acts. Metallica, Pearl Jam, etc.

a friend of mine was at Bonaroo last year, and he told me that Kanye's set was pushed back 3 hours because of his stupid stage setup. I guess he didn't end up going on until 4am, and the crowd of miscreants were none too happy.

You'll have to speak up, Ron
I'm in the canoe.

it looks like grandma.