P.G. Roadhouse

Or possibly Tire Swing


Crackity, don't know about you but last bj I had at a drive-in the car WAS moving, knowhutImean? Just have to watch out about tapping out S-O-S on the brake pedal accidentally.

Too true, morley, nothing worse than looking a gift horse in the mouth and finding second hand semen there.

See, I've always confused Brett with Mark "Rat" Ratner from "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" so I always assumed his first was Stacy Hamilton.

Well . . .
If one of the girls was a guy it made it easier to do the trombone move.

Woolfey, must've been after they got promoted (so THAT's what Don Kirshner was doing). The Rolling Stones went from "Their Satanic Majesties Request" to ur-disco, so maybe they qualify.

An Inverse Inventory?
Are there enough candidates for the opposite "trip"? A band who played Satanic Verses then came back to mainstream? Or since most fuddy-duddies feel all rock is the devil's music does that even make sense? Anybody else have a church big-wig tell them back in the 70's that KISS stood for Kings In

teh dude, colapse is when you and your buddy's colons both prolapse at the same time. And for God's sake don't look at the images if you google prolapsed colon.

I didn't see the episode (thanks for the spoilers!) so I thought y'all meant Boomhauer was with the baseball team, at least at first.

But Diabeetus, that would break Mackenzie's chin.

If this movie had no taint how did it keep its balls from falling into its asshole?

Well, she got her papa's attention.

The reason Scott doesn't get ND is found in one word. Oeuvre. ND couldn't even spell it, much less use it correctly.

Nice Guys Finish Last Cliche
It seems that Chabon had learned that if you treat people like shit, they will come back for more, thus even though Art thought Phlox and Arthur would abandon him when they each found out he was still seeing the other, the opposite occurred. Phlox offered him anal sex, thinking that if

How many World Series have the Texas Rangers been in?

Re Lecomte as sociopath (early on): " 'She is nuts,' said Arthur, with mingled scorn and enthusiasm. Then his eyes widened, as though something had occurred to him. 'A punk,' he said slowly. 'They call her Mau Mau.' "

"Then it blitzes the waste right of your rectum"
Wouldn't your ass-cheek fill up after a while?

So is this gonna star Beth Ditto?
Because you know they say elephants never forget.

Wouldn't she go insane from not being able to forget shit like "Far And Away"?