P.G. Roadhouse

Oh we oh? Is that a Morris Day and the Time reference?

Is he or isn't he?
Do you think Arthur has become disillusioned about gay relationships at the end of the book? I found this passage odd: "But as I have found that I may fall quite completely in love with a man-kiss, weep, give gifts-I have also discovered the trace a woman leaves, that Phlox left, and it is better

We shall in perpetuity possess the capitol city of France.

I agree with Donna. The ending seems a strained third act. Chabon states himself in the "About the Book" section of the version I read that he meant to set up the book as June, July, and August as three separate acts, a la Fitzgerald and Roth. Perhaps forcing this convention is what led to the jarring break - it just

Next month is Ghost Story by Peter Straub. You're right, they do tend to announce at odd times and then if you miss it, good luck!

Got the HarperCollins version
With the blue cover and way phallic "Cloud Factory." Also, did anybody else have an "Oregon Trail" flashback when Jane's parents told Cleveland she had died of Dysentery?

You've forgotten - Burn Down the Cineplex
and - Blow Up The Power Plant
as ways of getting out of having to see this.

Kanye also uses that line with the 14 yr olds he sleeps with, but he never does "let them finish."

What about when?
Law & Order: SVU arrested the cast of Touched By An Angel for all being pervs?

Is it true if you get a perfect score on expert while getting blown by a blonde whore in the Reeperbahn you can unlock Pete Best and Stu Sutcliffe?


Ah, but since huge douches are best suited to huge pussies, by the communicative property Perry is a huge pussy.

"You'll lick this picture business"
Isn't that what they told a 15-year old Traci Lords?

Does it beat off "Jack Frost"?

I'm so white the first time I ever heard the term A Tyler Perry production I thought the Toxic Twins were going mainstream.

Not to buy the crack or the act? Ever-one knows they use a microwave.

Banmar, I'll second that, even tho' odds are there's someone else named Courtney Love in the U.S., and even better odds THAT Courtney is also fucked-up on drugs. That's a chance I'm willing to take.

Th@ 70's Show
Since you feel the show declined after the Hyde/Jackie hookup wouldn't you have to say Jackie was the Shark and Hyde jumped her?