P.G. Roadhouse

Plan to miles away from when you someone eat it.

Well done Zack
I was delighted to see that Mr. Crowley's comments validated my lasting impressions of the book. If he was intending to write a book that mirrored real life in that nobody knows everything that is going on but lots of people have pieces of the tale, he succeeded.

I think in D9 they advertised a special Viagra for Soft Prons.

DCRJ, once you go gay there's an almost constant turning of your back, no?

Afraid to ask?
So is everyone else too hip to need to ask wtf are jeggings? Or is everyone too afraid of what the answer might be? (Whatever you do, don't google them. My eyes. My god, the pain in my eyes).

Shaggydog the "do it" was subliminal future Nike product placement. Halford is a time-travelling genius as well.

Gotta second Allena - everyone I knew who was a teen in the 70's said they wanted to play that song while driving their Camaro into a tree at 100 MPH. If that's not soundtracking a suicide I don't know what is.

I find myself agreeing yet disagreeing.
I too got drawn in by many of the "vignettes" (if you will) of this book. Then put off by the structure. I finally realized this is how you experience being a part of a tale, but not being the center of one. You have experiences with others, they or you leave and then return (or

My theory is this is also why you ALWAYS have and ALWAYS will have people claiming "It's the end of the world - prophecies are being fulfilled!" People are too damned solipsistic to believe the world will go on after they are gone, "it just HAS to end while I'm still around." Even though the evidence of what has come

People want closure.
That's why they tacked on Revelation at the end of the New Testament.

like Smoky when he the word "elf,"
When you someone eat it?

So do you say the poster's name "Big D, little d (what begins with D?)?

Well, since it felt like Donna was opening up to the point that we were all having intimate relations with her, you could call it a first.

Sorry to have "spoli-ed" your frist.

Anybody got a cigarette?

Ha ha - Thomas Dolby calls his spooge "science."

Where's the Spocklet?
I always thought that since Spock's body had to go through at least one or two Pon Farr's while Saavik was holding him he should've been able to overpower her and knock her up, or at least she would've taken one for the team to keep him calm. Missed opportunity?

Thought that said the "Imogene" awards
Couldn't figure who acted most like a batshit old vaudeville comedienne.

Rev, I think it was the cigar she put up her hoo-hoo whilst role-playing "Bill C. & Monica"

Somewhat ashamed
That I kept getting sidetracked by there being a character named "Fred Savage." I know the book pre-dated "The Wonder Years" but I kept picturing Kevin Arnold. Too much ADD to track such a book . . . Oh look! A chicken.