P.G. Roadhouse

It's my birthday today, as well as H.P.'s and Robert Plant's and Isaac Hayes'. Hail fellow Leos!

So Geddy, do Sons of the Soil come from a corn-holin' daddy?

There used to be a strip club in Denver called "The Landing Strip" - near where Stapleton Airport was, I think. Went there with a buddy one night and the power went off. They handed out flashlights and let us light up the girls our selves. Played music on a battery operated boom box - this station would've come in

But then how could you invite the Warriors to come out and play? Plus when you're on the dole you have much more time for gaming.

I would watch this channel but I get tired of Standing.

Is that anything like confusing your own daughter for a hot, willing blonde? Just askin'

Assholes. I said I lost it, otherwise I would have finished it. And who says Roadhouse doesn't rhyme with Wodehouse? It does the way I say it (Rood-house). So fuck your fail, E-I-E-I-O boy.


Wished you hadn't procrastinated the procrastinating.
I got halfway thru the book and then lost it while on vacation. Decided I didn't have time to get a replacement copy and finish it. Would've if I knew I had one more week!

I don't care what anyone says, you're way better than Comet.

Sorry to have to gently inform you it's spelled mischievous. Thanks for caring.

Let's see - The Butcher's Wife sucked sausage. The Farmer's Wife cut off their tail with a carving knife. Nope, nothing ever turned out well.

teadoust - and Serutan is natures spelled backward. Your point?

Sasha Baron Cohen?

Dr. R - I can't view the youtube, but does anyone anywhere call him on his math skills? 1 million is not 1/6 of the earth's population, obviously.

We demand more socialators.

I blame the hipster mini-pots on the insidious "pro-Bacon" reviews coming out of that other Chicago-based influence den of iniquity.

We're number one! We're number one!

Shit, I mean WHO is Sir John Crapper, Prince of Flushing?