P.G. Roadhouse

Sir John Crapper, Prince of Flushing?

The Bitch Is Back
All The Girls Love Alice


RE: Norse Proverbs - … a happy ending. But since you only need three minutes worth you're only out $15. A bargain!

National Lampoon's Underworld Vacation?

Only goat cheese is a kid of meat.

They already had one of those - it's called Jon Anderson.

Always thought it would only be fair if "Smith" or even "Smiff" was the phonetic value in Korean for penis.


Not so racist, Scott.
There used to be a doctor in our town named Dong Suk Kim (no he wasn't an OB/GYN) so I figured the Donger was not that far-fetched.

The big question is . . .
When they do a prequel will the Joes be twice as tall and will one of them have Kung Fu Grip?

Sadly, Space Mountain at Disneyworld is closed until this winter. Did not discover this until I dragged my family 2000 miles to go there. Almost went Clark Griswold all over somebody's ass.

Penguin: Dicking with your favorite media just hasn't been the same since the demise of the 45. Good times.

What no love for . . .
The Horse In The Gray Flannel Suit?

Lupin: farva beans? Like Supertrooper turds? Hilarious.

It's an outrage
That last photo just makes me want to puke. How could those parents place a child in a yellow w/black spots outfit in front of a BEE backdrop? Don't they know dots totally clash with stripes? Can't they find a leopard? Think of the damage they have done.

Unite as in "become one?"

By the pricking of my thumbs
When you someone eat it comes.

You gotta stop ordering the little kids Happy Meal.