P.G. Roadhouse

Vood-house, Mr. Chekov?

Damn straight Rev, low % of HIV, little boners that last for hours, pep like Energizer Bunny (just add M&Ms).

Hudson = W
No way, no how does he compromise. The single minded focus on producing his "masterpiece" consumes him. He can't even take the time to consider that he might be able to produce another film - he has committed to THIS one being the greatest movie ever, so to consider bastardizing it to direct another day

Hey, don't stick your thumbs up my kudo! We hardly know each other.

Growing Cold Gatti?

You Chi-towners have had the Superfans come in and show you how to manually restart your hearts BEFORE you consumed all this bacon, right?

Leotards - as per Dan Savage.

Son, Annette was never small, and I have the b/w MMClub bootlegs to prove it.

Only if you trip in front of the parade review stand where Stalin stood.

Shits cost $100 Tom?

You know if you self-immolate TomWaits, that Snowman will never come near you.

I agree that it would have to be a WTF? experience if it was to be any good at all. And mayday, that's about right, an in-road to the character. Elsewhere I posted at length about this book's similarities to the P.K. Dick book. Both guys are nutso, only the other characters in "Lumky" let the guy know it more often.

I thought about the DUEL analogy, but perhaps it fits VANISHING POINT better, at least in the way it ends. Vanishing Point for the 50's, more booze, less drugs.

Good point about heading away from Hollywood, but I guess the point I was trying to make was how it was so "SCENE" - then followed with the directions (SUPERIMPOSE - MUSIC UP - roll credits) that he used throughout the book. Also, did anybody else get a kick out of the totally AV Club instructions that start the book?

To paraphrase Cosby "I can make another one that'll look just like you" so POW

Ironically, the movie was ahead of its time.
To answer your penultimate question, Keith . . . maybe. The irony being that if it were filmed today, the short length might prevent it from wide distribution but it could be shown at the various film competitions, (Sundance, Cannes, etc.) which would appeal to the

Hardcore indeed, but Keith you ought to be ashamed. First you mention the orgy, but then you say "But even though they sport a logo of a pussycat wearing a bowtie, the Man-Eaters do not go down easily." They don't huh? Coulda fooled me!

Don't know if you'll read this Nathan
And I don't have the time to read all 523 other discussions, but just wanted to point out that Bo and Neon Deion played baseball and pro football, not basketball. As to the first jobs, other than paperboy my first was Baskin-Robbins. Sucked, because the floors were always sticky,

I'd apologize for not reading your post before adding mine, Chit Eater, but I'm pretty sure that by capitalizing the "values" in her article Amelie was tossing out a softball to any and all.

So there's a reality show where . . .
They tell you "The judges will be looking for your Creativity, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent"? They're looking for your C.U.N.T? What is this, Top Model? Something Martha Stewart hosts?