P.G. Roadhouse

Since he's dead that would make it a horror story, wouldn't it? N-O-I-T-A-R-T-S-A-C! N-O-I-T-A-R-T-S-A-C! No It Art Sac? hmm?

I actually took my wife to see "Cujo" at a drive-in theater in a '74 Pinto. WTF was I thinking?

Say "Shit", Gage.

If they don't do it B4 the Wentz-vasion. . .
Then I vote for severe "Guyliner" allergic reaction which infiltrates still-not-healed rhinoplasty incisions and leads to hideous "Black Lung"

Who you gonna call? — Toastmasters!

The futile act of conscience.
Donna, did you think that the scene where the kid offered to help the old woman (I think they were supposed to be in Idaho) near the end of the book, only to find that rather than being a survivor of the religious cult that had just been slaughtered she was a long-dead mummy was key?

Brings to mind the old joke: Preacher walking down country line spies beautiful little girl sitting under cherry tree playing with a dog. Preacher asks, "What's your name, little girl." Little girl replies, "Blossom" Preacher says, "Where'd you get such a pretty name?" Girl replies, "Because my parents made me under

Just do what I tell my wife "Flunk them all and let God sort them out". Remember, CN, Illegitimi Non Carborundum.

That's Amore?

Northern New Mexico Red Chile jerky FTW.

So, Soloman, a "Cordwainer" Baldwin, then?

Hey, Alaska's "Sarah Palin and the Arctic Flutesnorters" will rock your world.

Albom used to be a decent sports writer, so maybe he won't fuck it up too much. Meh, probly will.

RE: BBM II - Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell take turns playing the corpse. No? Too soon?

Lee could do "Brokeback Mountain II, Even Brokier" and explore gay necrophilia.

Isn't the theme "cream?" As in 1. Too-0ld-to, 2. Man I want to, and 3. Just too much.

"Wic-tor, Wic-tor (aw crap)"

Elrond, the correct quote is "STING ————- WHERE IS THY DEATH?!?!"

tim_I, Kunis was Kutcher's BOYFRIEND? Shit, now I'm all confoozled. Your IMBD must be from the TuCows Castro District server.

Magnus, your example proves the adage, "Just because you love pussy it doesn't mean you should become a gynecologist."