mitzi del bra

I'm really enjoying the reviews - it's great to read your reactions to the episodes, and there's often a parallel or something that I didn't spot in them. I'm sorry to hear that the readership wasn't there - I guess even on the internet, there's going to be a limited number of people following along with a 15 years

My God, that noise is annoying. The one thing stopping I Yensch from being one I want to re-watch, really. (Also, just how nasty those aliens look - their noses are horrific.)

Whaaaat? That's a terrible decision! No points for PBS.

Agreed - it's the end of an era, and a pretty unprecedented stretch of time playing the same character.

This changes everything!

So what you're saying is, padding is like everything Farscape's about! I dig that.

I do not have much to say about this episode, other than that some of the running around in the sand dunes feels padded, and that apart from that is is a perfect episode of Farscape. The end massively got to me, and it was amazing.

Aye, and I generally think the show does pretty well by its female characters. As you say, this episode's a bit of an anomaly, due to the cast split. Even with its flaws, there's still a lot to recommend it by.

True, he's constantly chopping and changing and disappearing off on missions for episodes at a time - they really do have trouble knowing what to do with him at times. He'd definitely a great character by the end.

Well, yeah, but it's not like he's a real person - the writers decided he'd go for the women, rather than another character - if they'd decided he'd kidnap John, they could say it's because he's the only human that planet ever has or ever will likely encounter, or if they'd decided it would be D'Argo it would be

So true - it is brilliant to get an episode full of colour and shennanigans after such a grim season (and with worse to come!) Thanks very much for listening to what I had to say, and that's a good call on the unreliable narrator - makes stuff like that guy fainting when Chiana fire poi-ed make more sense!

You're making some pretty big assumptions there - who's to say it's not easier to steal people who aren't the centre of attention? Anyway, even if what you say is right, the fact remains that the writers chose those events to happen. They created the plot line, a plot line that handily included the girls dancing

I like both, but I miss Moya during the Talyn episodes. It never really feels like Farscape without that set.

Oh man, I do not think I was clear enough - I was messing with BenMech by spelling everything wrong, not getting at you at all. You have been a great reviewer for this show, and I do not care about the spelling of made up words.

Fair enough, and I'm glad they justified it in story. I guess she wanted the strongest looking ones, or maybe only had lady honeypots availiable? Though on a meta level that's still a road the writers decided to go down. I remember reading that the writers originally wanted this to be a serious after school special

I agree with you that this episode does treat the female crew mates as princesses who need to be rescued. There's an attempt at a bit of subtlety by showing that they don't want D'argo barging in and telling them what to do, but the larger plot proves him right, and it's never made that clear why, say, D'argo and John

Yeah, he's massively sympathetic here. But he does become an antagonist to the rest of the crew. That shot of him rising up as Talyn's pilot, all broken puppet style, just screams villain to me. And you're so right, he's very like Crichton without something to hold him back. And (spoiler alert) if you think of

I'd also love to see someone like Spock deal with the incredibly emotional and irrational voyagers on Moya for longer than, say, an hour.

You are doing God's work linking this video.

Woah, simmer down. It's not liked he messed up the names of the DEDs or forgot Zan was a Delphian or something.