
I have always felt Martha will be the downfall, or very close, of Phil. I think she'll get past the Poor Martha persona and go after him with all that's available to her.

OMG! Haven't heard that one! Oy.

Never saw Boardwalk Empire, but it does seem to be deja vu all over again!

What is so weird to see is the anesthesia given without respiratory support via tube. Mom might have died anyway with the complexity of the tumor during surgery, but a tube would certainly have prevented suffocation. Of course, they would have needed tissue that wasn't tearing and falling apart.

Cornelia - good ol' FIL-to-be entered her bedroom when she was undressing one evening when he was playing cards with her brother and father…talked a lot, creepily a lot, about how wonderful it will be to have a beautiful daughter, etc. Gave her a creepy kiss - and later gave her his mother's what appeared to be very

I'm sure something will be attempted to fix the eye. One current procedure uses a bubble of gas to float to the area of detachment that pushes the torn area of retina back into place. But then a laser finishes the reattachment.

I began to see Outlander as a metaphor for the UK and her colonial/empire days…not to say that there haven't been other hugely influential countries that haven't done the same or worse. I didn't get it so much as I read the books, but did when viewing. Reading and viewing can give quite different perspectives of the