@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus HOLY CHRIST IS THAT AN ALIVE STUFFED ANIMAL
@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus HOLY CHRIST IS THAT AN ALIVE STUFFED ANIMAL
Ha ha, Burl's back!
Hi, Burl!
Sometimes when you see an ad for a movie you just know that it is a future MYOF entry. "Dylan Dog" is one of these.
It was indeed based on an old horror comic:
And it's drawn by Berni Wrightson, of Swamp Thing fame.
You can watch it on Google video for free, or so I hear.
"His last on-screen appearance was in an episode of Hannah Montana."
Jesus Christ, that's gotta be the saddest thing I've read today.
@Warren Oates-
Not sure if this is the site you're talking about, but it's got a lot of cool info and concept art (by Moebius!).
The evil dude's name
I'm pretty sure his name was Thomas Jerome Newton, in keeping with the show's theme of naming its villains after discarded Bowie personae.
The image of Danny Trejo
at the top of the page, glowering at all the ridiculousness surrounding him, is what really makes that picture.
There's just something about a good origin story. I thought this was a fantastic episode, and I really enjoyed getting some actual exposition. I also loved past Walter (he actually said "Walternate!") and all of the little 80's touches.
It was the "Olympic gold medalist" bit where they redubbed Liz's voice. They cribbed it pretty wholeheartedly from the Super Bowl episode where Moe and Homer talk about President "Clinton" and his wife "Hilary".
It was Alejandro Jodorowsky, the guy that directed El Topo and The Holy Mountain, who was originally going to make Dune, and it might have been the best goddamn movie that never was. I highly recommend checking out some of this awesome concept art from Moebius. The site also has some interesting background on…
I'm like 80% sure…
…that the last name on the scrolling list of women Vinny Vedecci has slept with was Salvatore Romano.
My favorite part of A, B, and C
is that giant red phone, especially the shots in which 2 is framed inside its curvature, making it resemble some kind of mod-styled gallows. It's a lovely piece of cinematography that helps with the episode's sense of topsy-turvyness in its implications that 6 is finally gaining control…
Good to see "The General" and "A, B, and C" will be reviewed in that order. I recently started watching from the beginning (in the order that they appear on the DVDs), and having the ending of "A, B, and C" NOT be the last episode featuring that No. 2 left a sour taste in my mouth.
"Crossroads- PG"
"The only thing smoking was Britney's wonderful performance."
For me, the best part of that scene is the fact that Caine's character falls a distance that you could probably walk away from if you landed on the ground, but still manages to land IN A POOL OF LIQUID and dies instantly.
Anyone else notice…
…the awful Mitchell Loeb=Michelob pun?