Zippy Spamhammer

Scream, Blakula, Scream!

Squandered potential, as Immaculate said up above. 'twas the Snakes on a Plane of 2010.

@Airbag: Dood, you just made my year. What's left of it, anyway…

OP was quoting Woodrow, our friend who, according to Wikipedia, is "a mentally ill homeless man who lives in the sewer and is nice to the female celebrities [Britney Spears and Kate Hudson] he invites to his "home".

…to where now all we're told is 'keep shopping!"

@Black_Guy: Tim Reid, Venus Flytrap from WKRP in Cincinnati, played the judge on Treme.

Brody never steer wrong? The Jacket sucked, yo!

Yeah, count me as a C. Guest hater as well. Dude and his movies are simply waaaay too pleased with themselves relative to the amt. of actual funny going on. Seeing A Mighty Wind in the theater surrounded by a bunch of college kids told the tale: Not even the most self-conscious dweebs on the planet could muster more