
I would have been fine with Seven never ending up with anyone. I just have no comprehension of how C/7 came to be, why, or who in their right minds thought it was a good idea.

Mine are mostly from shows that aren't over yet (so there's still time! I'm in denial).

Noooooo. Leslie and Ben are probably the most adorable TV couple in the history of the world.

Naw. I like that they ended that show with that group just being friends.

It would have to be from a show where there's a gay character who didn't end up with their OTP. I'm sure they're out there, but unfortunately due to the lack of gay characters, they're fewer and farther between than straight couples that didn't end up together.

I'm a Chuck/Blair fan, but I admit to being completely into Dan/Blair while it was happening, and I would have been okay if it ended that way. Just not Dan/Serena. They were terrible together from the get-go.

Oi, no on so many of these!

Rick: So I should probably tell Daryl about Carol now.
Carl: You mean right now?
Rick: Naw, it can wait. Pea?

Any of them can defend themselves against one or two people or a small hoard or zombies, but that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about sending a person in your community out to die alone, at the hands of God knows what.

Yes, I agree with you there. I think the thing that's irritating me most about this is that Rick did step over the line, and I'm not sure that the show will recognize it or that he will see repercussions for it. I hope they do, but I don't expect it.

There was no respect shown to Carol. They were prepared to do the same for the prisoners they were ready to send off into the wilderness last season. It was completely disrespectful to punish her without a fair trial. He may be 'saving her' from Tyrese (though I doubt he'd actually kill her), but he's leaving her out

It's not moron mode, it's survival mode. She shouldn't have made a unilateral decision, but neither should Rick have in banishing her from the group. They were both in the wrong, but I understand Carol's reasoning, and Rick was unwilling to see her reasoning. Not that it's his business anyway. Dude's not even on the

It seemed like an end of the night sketch. I was surprised that they didn't bury it somewhere in the back end.

I actually don't think she would have killed their own group members, or the kids from Woodbury. I think her allegiance is still with her own people, and she probably would have tried harder for them.

You know, I actually don't mind Rick when he's being badass. Despite the crazy, I kinda liked him in season 3. But yes, I agree, get rid of him now, and Herschel (because the dude has to die sooner or later) and move on with the badassness.

Really? The dumbest? I'd encourage you to rewatch seasons 1, 2 and 3 and re-evaluate that statement.

If Rick's 'thing' is being honest, then his 'thing' is not sustainable in the world they live in. Rick used to make hard decisions, then he omitted himself from the decision making process, and Carol and the rest started making the hard decisions. Rick can't just up and take over because he doesn't like one of them.

No, and it's not really my reasoning anyway, I just think it's a good point, especially because Tyrese has been such a freaking loose canon ever since.

I'm sure it will be resolved. I can't see them just ditching Carol after putting so much screen time and effort into her character development, and actually bothering to make her a fan favourite (which she was in no way poised to become in the first and second seasons).

Isn't his default broody?