
Someone else mentioned below, and it bears repeating, that even though they had quarantined Karen and the other guy, they still couldn't keep Tyrese from making 'visits' to his lady, which means he was possibly bringing the infection back over.

Sure, but it's not a reason to abandon her in a zombie wasteland. There are plenty of people with differing ideas of how to deal with this thing, and they're all still at the prison. Rick's not an idiot (presumably). He knows Carol isn't about to go kill somebody who is perfectly healthy and not overtly threatening

I'm at a loss for how this episode got a good score. I mean, Kerry did her best, but holy crap the sketches were bad. Did the first sketch even have a punchline aside from Nasim air-humping the world?

This is my sole hope for next week. 35 solid minutes of Daryl chewing Rick out, and then a neat and tidy closer where he finds Carol and brings her back.

Carol's reason wasn't terrible. Given the circumstances, eliminating threats is all they can do. Her reason was air-tight. And frankly, it's not up to Rick to decide - hence the freaking council. They may have disagreed with her actions, but I doubt highly they would have disagreed with her motives, or chosen to

YES. THANK YOU! Rick's hypocrisy throughout this whole thing is making me livid!

Agreed, she'll be back. And I think enough people will pitch a stink about it that Rick will be the one to bring her back.

Carol's actions were reasonable given the circumstances and what they knew about the illness at that time. I still fail to see what the big freaking deal it. Chances are they would have been dead within the day anyway.

Rick is a freaking sanctimonious hypocrite, who has done things 10x worse than what Carol did with no consequences. I know they wont kill him anytime soon, but I'm feeling a little vengeful toward him right now.

By the end of this episode, I would have been totally cool with that. I'm getting sick of Rick's sanctimonious crap.

At the point where Karen and David were sick, everyone who'd had the illness had died quickly. It makes sense that she would assume they were going to die, and without the meds they would have died. It also makes sense that she would want to burn the bodies to stop the infection from spreading. Honestly, in tight

What the blue fuck was that? I'm sorry, I can't get behind Rick on this one at. all. He would have done the same thing if he hadn't gone into a completely situation inappropriate zen state. You know what you do? Say you don't know who killed them so as to avoid Tyrese losing his shit on Carol, and everyone moves on

Yep, definitely. That's an established relationship that makes absolute sense.

Probably. Although it'd be 'interesting' if they killed someone major, and it was in episode 4 last year when both T-Dogg and Lori got the boot.

I can't imagine he'd tell Tyrese. Although he might say they were already dead and she burned the bodies, and she could be the one to set him straight.

I like her too, but I like Glenn more. If it's one or the other, I'd choose Glenn. Hopefully we can keep them both, though.

Pretty much. If anything it looked like they were *just* starting to get into each other, if his hesitation in the first episode is any indication. Not really worthy of that kind of outrage. That said, it's okay and normal for him to be pissed that she was, essentially, murdered (so far as he knows).

Hershel might be the one to die out of all of this, now that I think about it. It would be very moving, but fitting.

No, definitely not. Carol's not gonna walk in a room and just throw a lit match at someone. She'll take care of business, but do it in the most humane way possible.

They have to try. It's either that or just let the entire prison fall from the flu.