Anthony Weiner's dick pics brought down the republic.
Anthony Weiner's dick pics brought down the republic.
It's pretty funny that I didn't even consider this while watching the movie, but the Soviets did kind of commit an act of war by sending spies to infiltrate a U.S. government facility, didn't they? How come nobody in the movie makes a bigger deal of this?
I thought it was pretty clear that the bugs never actually sent the asteroid to Earth, and that the entire war was invented by the fascist world government to distract the public.
It must be a nightmare to work on these DC movies. Directors drop out left and right and we're always hearing about nervous suits, studio meddling and massive reshoots. They've somehow created an atmosphere so toxic that someone could get cold feet about directing a movie where they get to be Batman.
Well, the entire House, Senate and cabinet would have to be simultaneously hit by the meteor, because otherwise the House would elect a new Speaker and there would be a new President pro tempore of the Senate. That would still eventually happen in the meteor scenario because special elections would be called in the…
I think they should have saved R2/3PO for the final sequence — we could have just swooped past them in the corridors on the way to Leia. We know we're on the Tantive IV by that point, and we know the droids are on board, so it would have been a nice acknowledgment without stopping the movie in its tracks.
I think if it was a wordless cameo, they would have nailed it completely. The seams start to show whenever the CGI actors are speaking. There are just so many little muscles in the face that move during speech and they can never simulate all of them in CGI humans.
I wouldn't have had a huge issue with Jyn escaping, but then the problem is, where was Jyn during the Battle of Yavin and how come nobody ever mentions her in the later movies?
I think Yeezy would be a good choice for Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers.
It's pretty funny that Trump was either the last president or the next to last president of the United States in the LMOE timeline, depending on the outcome of the 2020 race.
Yeah, the thing is that Ian committed multiple felonies getting Mickey to the border, and if they'd been caught at any point he would have spent the next decade or two in prison. Seeing Mickey safely across the border was actually a much more dangerous course of action than just driving over the border with him. …
They could have killed off Frank during that arc where he needed a liver transplant and it wouldn't make much difference to the show in later seasons. We probably needed to see Frank to understand how everybody in the family got like this, but I would argue the character's presence is now completely vestigial. His…
Actually, Snoop Dogg is First Gentleman.
The Empire isn't a white supremacist organization. They just made eight movies in which the multicultural Old Republic gradually transforms into the all-white-male Empire.
I think at one point, Tom Cruise puts one of his Tom Cruise masks on an evil henchman after breaking his jaw, and the stupid villain shoots his own henchman thinking he's Tom Cruise.
I remember one time as an undergrad a while back, I made the argument that slavery reparations, while morally justifiable, were politically unfeasible because even white liberals would likely chafe at the prospect of higher taxes to pay for them — and that, given the likelihood of a backlash which might lead to…
Kubrick exploited Duvall's fragile mental state to create one of the greatest films of all time. Dr. Phil is doing it to sell Viagra commercials.
I think the lesson of the last 12 years is that the minority party should do the exact opposite of what the majority party says.
Last season I theorized that Mike caught a mutated bovine version of the Virus, which worked as a natural vaccine once he recovered from the minor illness we saw on-screen. This would allow them to bring Sudeikis back, after coming off with some sidequest to explain why he didn't just drive back to Malibu after he…
Why did voters just replace a black president with a KKK-endorsed white supremacist? With an electorate polarized to this extent, voters are faced with a stark choice, and small differences in turnout can mean the difference between one outcome and its exact opposite.