Miz Barkie

Slippin Jimmy has back problems later in life! So obvious, great catch

I wish they had women-only screenings in every city in this country so this douchebag wouldnt feel welcome anywhere and would be encouraged to move to Saudi Arabia or a sewer pipe

They need to go back and make a 4th season before they can make a 5th season. Did anyone actually finish that shiz? Ah fuck, who cares

Aziz/Yang are doing their best to ape the far superior High Maintenance. This was a decent episode. I just don't find MoN as a whole that amazing or compelling. It is mediocre at best, but at least it is not being run by another conference room of white assholes. A mediocre show made by some new voices, I'll take

prison seems a little bit much. how about he can only use landlines and/or phones that are not capable of taking pictures and sending them to people. So, he can get a camera or a phone, but not a phonecamera. what are those things called

Not serious favorite: the one note solo in I Wanna Be Sedated by the Ramones

I can never really read what's going on in Elizabeth's head as much as with Phillip. Not sure if that's because the show wants us to see her as the stronger and more ruthless person in the couple or if Keri Russell is not as strong an actor. She's been completely wooden from the first episode. I still can't tell if

its hard to say which show is more devastating, Better Call Saul or The Americans. Both are great this year, both kick you in the stomach near the endpoint of each episode

No thanks

Another aimless boring as shit episode. At a certain point in the series I might have cared that Gail was going to shoot herself, but it really meant nothing in this episode where the writing staff has clearly run out of ideas. Okay, we have an ending montage to another Kinks song so we know we're watching LMOE.

I love this show obviously, but this episode was a little too saccharine for my taste. They skipped some emotional beats and wound up at the sappy realizations a little too quick. Teddy w/ his dad in the potential location for their new store, with him admitting his marriage was over. Chloe asking Daniel to dance.

glad to see the new season of his show is finally in production. Eric Andre, precisely the type of crazy our country needs in these darkly absurd and trying times.

Jay Roach, mark of quality

I've taken some time to listen to this album, and after about a week of listening to it a bunch of times I can recommend it as an EXCELLENT album. Fucking awesome, grows on me every time I listen to it. Good stuff.

I don't think they reinvigorated it, I think they just poured some vinegar on it

watching this made me realize I had to break up with, or stop seeing the girl I have been going out with. Thanks, Tig

Had higher hopes for this movie, but within 25 minutes I realized I was watching a romantic comedy, I should've known better ! Too little Jon Glaser in this movie, "I'm doing an article on wacking off in the workplace… I've already started doing research," that was funny, but too many cheap laughs, making fun of the

Billy Joel

Just want to see how many down votes I can get by merely posting these two words:

Oh, my bad , by the time I got around to seeing this movie and checking the comments The_Cosmonaut had 38 likes while Pallor's had many mas