Cameron James

For me, it's made playing any multi-plat game on the Wii-U utterly pointless, regardless on how many features the gamepad adds. Eg, 'Rayman Legends'. The best version on the game was Wii-U, but because it doesn't have trophies/achievements, not interested.

Nice review, although, I actually like trophies.

I wish they would do a better job at balancing the crazy with realism. Like, yeah, watching time-travelling Ichobod and Abbey do have wacky adventures is fun, but why is that being paired off with the cops coming to scenes of crime, and having those exchanges equally as kooky? I know this isn't, in anyway, realistic;

How about that part where John Cho decided to arrest Tom Mison just after looking at him once?

"This video is not available in your country"

Oh, sorry, I don't think I was clear. I knew it wasn't the AV Clubs "fault", I said "You guys are smart…" because I thought you would know the answer, not because they caused it. I experience this problem on lots of websites and I just didn't understand why watching these videos in different countries was even a

Okay, can someone please explain why some videos "are not available in my country"? I'm from Australia, and this happens very often. You guys are smart AV Club, why are some videos not available? How does that even work in the first place?

This is just domestic. 'Pacific Rim' made $91,300,000 Worldwide, while 'Grown Ups 2' made $44,200,200 Worldwide.

I really hope 'Hannibal' stays a bit longer. It needs a second season for the story to properly play out.

Hopefully, this means the next season finale will be a spoof of the great 'Frisky Dingo'.