Not My Problem

I did see it a while back, but I actually don't remember much beyond "James Woods kills vampires."  Which right there doesn't sound so bad.

I'm going to stick my neck out and say that "Jonah Hex" wasn't that bad (yes, I know they only wrote the script).  Between Josh Brolin and the Irish henchmen whistling "Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye" while nonchalantly standing in front of an oncoming train, it won me over.

Good point.  It'd probably end up being a claymation skull with equally claymation flames.

Honestly, the time for a good or even great Ghost Rider movie was probably in the '80's or early '90's.  It's the kind of premise John Carpenter could have, should have, and would have made into a really badass cult film, complete with Kurt Russell as Johnny Blaze.  Something that would be silly and over the top but

Pretty much.  "Oh, this was done in the X-Files over a decade ago, so OBVIOUSLY this is a ripoff.  F-!"

Hey, I still enjoy the first movie.  I even bought the DVD…to watch with my niece…yeah…that's why I bought it…

I'll teach you *hits you with a cricket bat*

*cue theme music*

I found out just now, too, but I'm…strangely…elated.

This game's probably some of the best writing Paul Jenkins has done in years.  Not sure how much of it was him (he gets a "story by" credit), but the plot, as pared down as it is, is really good, and the game absolutely nails the hallucination/flashback/mind-fuck scenes with Jenny, which is the kind of stuff Jenkins

I haven't even heard that song (at least, I don't think so), but "How to Save a Life" is pretty catchy, and it's one of those rare songs that I should hate but end up begrudgingly liking, anyway.  It helps that the tune is so versatile that you can substitute the lyrics with just about anything and it would work, like

"Zuul was the minion of Daweser."  Who's Daweser?

Not what I said.  You said that the $17,000 in punitive that Marvel is seeking against him makes it harder to side with him, I replied that it makes it easier.  It has less to do with capitalism and law, and more to do with a multi-billion dollar company bullying a destitute old man.  Even if they don't actively seek

"Sadly, Marvel beat him to it"

A couple years ago, I think?  It was pretty cool, because he went for deliberately over-the-top, grindhouse-style action comic.  And he reimagined Orb as a dude with an eyeball for a head.

$17,000 in punitive from a jobless old man because he dared to fight for some royalties vs. millions from a company that makes way more than that off all the shitty tie-in movies, games, and underwear each doesn't make it harder for me to side with him, it makes it easier.

People on this site hate anything that isn't ironic? That's my guess.

But are they mature comics about mature things like mature, tortured artists who make mature paintings while having mature conversation in mature coffeeshops, in between reminding people about how mature they are?

That sounds like something Steve Gerber might have written.  I like it.

No no no, it's more like Observe & Report:Paul Blart::Silent Hill 2:Amy